How to Get to Chichibu by Train

It takes around 3 hours from Tokyo to Chichibu. Even if you get the information how to get there from Google Map, Japan train transits are very complicated. Today let me show you how to get to Chichibu from Haneda airport.

If you search by Google Map at Haneda airport in the morning, I think you may get the below information.

I think this is better way to go to Chichibu, more simple and cheaper way.

So based on this information, I will explain about more details.

1.  At Hanada airport for taking Keikyu Line

From Haneda Airport station, you get Keikyu Line (京急線) for train. At first, you need to head to Shinagawa station.

Most trains go to Shinagawa (品川) station(駅), but some trains are changing the line on the way so please double check at Hanada airport which train going to Shinagawa. 

The above train map is from official Keikyu line website of

2. At Shinagawa Station for taking Yamanote Line

Let’s look for green line. That is Yamanote-line. 

Yamanote-line is very easy. This is just a loop line so even if you mistake the direction, you will arrive at your station. 

Anyway, from the Shinagawa station, I would like you to head to Ikebukuro station.
Yamanote-line trains are coming every 2-5 minutes. Whenever you like, you can hop on!

The above map is from JR website of

Let’s get the clock-wise direction so you can get Ikebukuro station faster!

3. At Ikebukuro Station for taking Seibu Ikebukuro & Chichibu Line

After you get off at Ikebukuro station, you need to a little bit walk up to Seibu Ikebukuro (Chichibu) line.

From here, do not miss the limited express train, “Laview”! You can also enjoy Chichibu mountain landscape from your window!

Some Laview go up to Hanno station. Do not board on the train. Get Laview going to Seibu-Chichibu station.

If you take normal train, it takes almost 2 hours with transit at Hanno station. However, Laview going to Seibu Chichibu station stops only 4 stations between Ikebukuro and Seibu Chichibu station.

In addition to regular ticket, you need purchase limited express ticket. But Seibu Line is cheaper compared to other train companies. Also Laview is all reserved seats.
Laview limited express is operated approximately every one hour.

Until Hanno station, the view from your train window is city landscape.

However, from Hanno station, the direction of travel is reversed. (Your seat can be rotated too)

Then the outside view is also dramatically changed!

The above video is from Ride on a beautiful Japanese train and see the natural beauty of the landscape.|Japan solo trip by Useful Journey (

Welcome to Chichibu!!