ANA Starts New Direct Flight to Perth

If you live in Perth, this should be great news for you!  Finally ANA (All Nippon Airways) is going to start direct flight going to Japan from Perth!

1.  Perth – Narita Direct Flight

Before COVID, ANA was supposed to kick off the direct flight from Perth to Japan. However, COVID crisis came to us before the operation was started. Because of travel ban, ANA could operate only Sydney – Haneda during the COVID so Perth flight plan was suspended for a long time.

Finally the travel ban was over and Japanese Government has opened the border. ANA has also launched again Perth flight to Japan!

The Perth flight connects to Narita airport, flight numbers are NH881 & NH882.

2. Start from Winter Season

At this stage, the timetable hasn’t been released yet so booking start date is also unknown.

Keep eye on ANA website and get ready to go to Japan from Perth directly!

ANA has announced they will operate 3 times a week for Perth – Narita flights.

3. Summary of ANA’s Flight Between Australia and Japan

ANA is one of the top class cabin services! Everyone wants to enjoy their flight with ANA!

Here is the current ANA flight lists between Australia and Japan.

Sydney – Haneda 

・NH879/880 : 1 flight every day

・NH889/890:  1 flight every day from 26 March 2023 (Currently 3 times a week)

Perth – Narita

・NH881/882 : 3 flights a week from winter season