Australian English Teacher in Chichibu

Even if Chichibu is rural place, English education is getting popular so a lot of English teachers are coming to Chichibu to teach English for young children at public schools.  How about choosing Chichibu as your workplace? Even if Chichibu is rural place, English education is getting popular so a lot of English teachers are coming to Chichibu to teach English for young children at public schools.  How about choosing Chichibu as your workplace?

A lot of Aussie English teachers have been welcomed so far by Chichibu city (or formerly Arakawa village).

Since several years ago, English has become mandatory subject at primary school. (Approximately Year 1 ~ Year 6). Before that, English study was started from Year 7 but Japanese government has started to focus on English from young children.

That’s why compared past, much more English teachers, especially native English speakers are necessary in Japan. Any public schools in Japan don’t have enough teachers who cant teach English. Then they are seeking English native speakers to let children experience real English conversation.

When I was year 7 – 9, we had once a week English class by a native English speaker from Australia. The teacher went around a lot of public schools in whole Chichibu area every day. Until year 9, their English classes are for having fun and experiencing English communication so it was really interesting for me.

As you may know, after high school stage, the students study English for university exams.

If you are seeking any places in Japan to go to teach English, Chichibu should be one of the best areas for you.

Most English teachers stay in Chichibu city for convenient access, however, I remember one teacher from Australia lived in Ogano-machi (Ogano-Town).

Ogano Town is north-west side, but I feel it is a little bit more rural spot.

We can find some accommodations if you wish, so please feel free to contact us!

In the above area, actually there are just several primary, secondary, and junior (high) schools. Most of the schools are primary and secondary ones. So I think you don’t have so may opportunities to teach “exam” English. You can arrange the lesson for making more “interesting” to young children!

If you would like to teach English in Japan, or if you are thinking about any teaching exchange program, let’s include Chichibu as one of your options!

We are happy to assist your travel and stay in Chichibu!