Currency Exchange Rate Calculation between JPY & AUD

There are more digits of Japanese Yen, so it makes you confusing to calculate prices in Japan. However, rough calculation should be easy.

1.  Hide last two digits

If you want to compare with Australian dollar quickly, simply you hide just last two digits.

For example, 

・If you see JPY 100 ⇒ approximately equal to AUD $1

The actual foreign exchange rate on 30 DEC 2022 was JPY 100 for AUD $1.11

This is easier way to do quick calculation in your brain.

More examples;

JPY 10000 ⇒ approximately AUD $100

JPY 100000 ⇒ approximately AUD $1000

2. Average price in Japan

Probably it is cheaper than Australia.

If you go to convenience stores or supermarket,

・Bottle soft drink (500ml) : JPY 100 ~ 150 

・Lunch at normal restaurant: JPY 700 ~ 1000

・Dinner at average restaurant: JPY1000 – 1500

・Sushi (Conveyor Belt Sushi restaurant or casual sushi restaurant): JPY100 ~ 300 per dish

It should be cheaper prices compared almost all items sold in Australia.

Earn money in Australia and use in Japan. This is the ideal (^^)

If you have any chance to live in Japan in the future, the room rent is much cheaper.

1 months room rent fee (1 kitchen for 1 person room) is approximately JPY 50000!

Similar to AUD 500. It is monthly fee, NOT weekly.

If you live in Tokyo or more busy district, it should be more expensive.

However, Japanese don’t have “shared” culture. They prefer private space so basically there are no share room sold.

If you look for any guest house or hostel, yes, there are shared dorm rooms.

3. Best way to get Japanese yen cash

Compared to Australia, in Japan, credit card payment is still not so used especially rural areas.

In cities, yes. However, remoted areas are not dealing with card transaction so much.

So, I recommend bringing some cash in advance.

Or, it may be better to get cash by your Australian credit card from ATM in any city areas.

To bring cash passport may be good idea.

Most of cards are available to do cash-out by ATM.  ATMs located in airport, Seven-Eleven, or any bank may be better for cash-out.

If you want to exchange your Australian dollar cash before departure, I usually go to Commonwealth Bank of Martin Place branch.

A lot of Australian banks are still not holding Japanese yen so you need to check before going to exchange.