Famous for Martial Arts Training Camp

There are some accommodations with gym in Chichibu and especially a lot of martial arts club visit Chichibu to do their training camp.

Kendo, this is also one of the Japanese martial arts. In Chichibu the Kendo is also very famous then there are a lot of strong Kendo teams.

In summer season, local Kendo clubs stay at the accommodation for a few days and do training at the gym located just next to their accommodation. Not only local teams, but also teams outside of Chichibu visit for their Kendo summer camp training.

Chichibu accommodations are popular as such training camp place. Many other sports clubs also visit Chichibu for their training camp, Judo, Karate, Dance, Cheering, mainly indoor sports clubs.

Satoji(さとじ) is one of the popular accommodations as Kendo training camp place.

From Google Map

Of course, not only martial arts, for example, they have accepted baseball, soccer, tennis teams, and so on.  It is so popular for school camp as well.

Let’s imagine you are training in the mountain, surrounded by a lot of nature. It is like the atmosphere you are doing training as Samurai or Ninja soldier, like in anime world?

There are Japanese style rooms available for your stay. Maximum 3 guests can be accommodated and ensuited room is also available. Satoji has a function room so you can organize party during your camp schedule!

Breakfast & dinner can be included.

For your any camp, Satoji in Chichibu is the best place for you!

The closest train station is Mitsumineguchi station, just 5 minutes walking to Satoji!

However, if you straight away move to Satoji from the airport or Tokyo, of course transfer can be arranged!